• It is author’s duty to only submit a manuscript that is free from plagiarism. The Journal will use online software to check areas of the manuscript suspected of being plagiarized. If plagiarism is discovered, the Journal will notify the author for explanation and elaboration.

  • Published manuscripts will receive a DOI via Crossref.org and will be indexed in Google Scholar.

  • The author(s) retain copyright of the manuscript and grant IJSSTEM right of first publication.

    As an open access journal, the author(s) allow full download access to the manuscript.

  • There is no charge/fee to submit or publish with the Journal.

  1. Once your paper has been received by our office, you will receive a confirmation email.

  2. Please allow 30 calendar days for your manuscript to be reviewed by our Editorial Board.

  3. Our Editor-in-Chief will notify you if your manuscript is accepted, needs revision, or is rejected.

Review Process